There are several different types of acne and knowing the type of acne you may be suffering from is important so that you can manage it more effectively. These different types of acne include:
1. Steroid acne - This type is triggered by the use of prescription steroids whether they are applied on the skin or given intravenously or inhaled.
2. Body building acne - This type is triggered by the use or rather the abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids usually used for body building purposes.
3. Iatrogenic acne - This type is triggered by the use of prescription medications such as phenytoin, lithium and isoniazid. It is also know as acne medicamentosa.
4. Cosmetic acne - This type is triggered by the use of oil rich skincare products that clog the skin pores. It is also known as acne cosmetica or pomade acne.
5. Occupational acne - This type is triggered by machine oils, coal tar derivatives and halogenated hydrocarbons especially in those who come in contact with them in their line of duty.
6. Acne detergens - This type is triggered by excessive washing of the face as it can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum or oil which can clog the pores.
7. Mechanical acne - This type is triggered by physical trauma and mechanical breakage of sebaceous glands by external forces such as bicycle helmets, stiff shirt collars or headbands. It is also known as acne mechanica.
8. Chloracne - This type is triggered by exposure to halogenated hydrocarbons such as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofuranes either through direct contact, inhalation or ingestion of contaminated foods.
9. Neonatal acne - This type is triggered by the stimulation of the newborn baby's sebaceous glands by the mother's hormones. It is also known as acne neonatorum.
Learn more from the All About Acne Course.
Learn more from the All About Acne Course.
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